Tokugawa Ieyasu(part2)

His strange strategy was staying No.2.

He fought “Oda Nobunaga” and Nobunaga recognized him strong rival.

After that “Nobunaga” formed an alliance with him.

Nobunaga was very strong and genius warlord.

Nobunaga looks like Philip II of Macedon in Europe.

Nobunaga had command of half of Japan.

I will explain it another post.

After that “Nobunaga” was killed by “Akechi Mitsuhide”,

Nobunaga’successor was “Toyotomi Hideyoshi”.

He fought Hideyoshi and Hideyoshi recognized him strong rival.

After that Hideyoshi formed an alliance with him.

Hideyoshi has command of all of Japan.

Hideyoshi was dead by illness, he became emperor.

He fought about 50 years until he became emperor.

He was very patient man,So his strategy matched his character.

We should deliver on the strategy match our characters.

Tokugawa Ieyasu2.JPG

(from wikipedia)

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